Talent Manager: Kacie

1. First thing, who are you, what do you do, and how can people connect with you?

I am Kacie. I work in building creative partnerships and brand partnerships. I also curate vibes and dope activations.

2. You ride hard for your communities (LA & Stockton), which I truly admire. How do you stay involved in your volunteering while also managing talent, doing panels/interviews, and working for Nike?

We all have the same amount of hours in a day, it's how you utilize them, yeah know? On my days off or days I go in late, I try to get active in the AM in LA. For Stockton, I have a lot of partners that back me up which I love and am blessed to have. For me, it's about balance, which I am still trying to learn. lol.. But somehow I do it!

3. You’re also not one to shy away from tough topics. What is one advice you can give to others who want to be just as confident?

Know your fucking worth! I am extremely self-aware and know what I bring to the table, so if anyone wants to challenge that, I don't. When you know who you are, there is no need to convince anyone. Other's opinions of you are their problem, not yours. I'm sure that might sound easier said than done, but as you know, I've come a long way and gone through a lot of transitions. But through everything, one thing that remains consistent with me to this day is, I work damn hard to get to where I am and where I'm going. Never let anyone dictate who you are, you're better than that.

4. How do you avoid burnout? Do you have a decompressing routine?

Honestly, people think I am out and about more than I really am. Little do they know, I spend a lot of time alone watching shitty television. That's how I decompress. It allows me to tune out and just not use my brain for a few hours. My life isn't as exciting as people think and watching TV drama lets me live vicariously through other folks' exciting lives. I also love me some solo hikes. Anything that allows me to just unplug for a few hours is key for me.

5. What are your top 3 non-negotiable when it comes to the company you keep?

  • Lack of ambition- if you're not goal-oriented, wth are you doing?

  • Negative - people that are cynical and can't see the silver lining, no thanks!

  • Support - If your friends don't celebrate your wins, no matter how small they are, they are not your friends.

6. How do you stay motivated?

I guess by knowing there is still more to do. I'm not where I want to be, so I keep going until I am. Which also might mean I never stop.

7. You’ve accomplished so much this far, what is one thing you still need to cross off your list and why is it important?

Hmmm... I want to buy my second home. I'd like a house with a pool. lol. Hella corny, I know.

8. What is one quality about you that you love and why?

I am resilient. There are horror stories I could tell you about moments in my life, but I didn't give up. I didn't play the victim, ever. I get mad. I have frustrating moments, but that's all I allow them to be. Moments. Then I shake out of it and do better.

9. Is there anything you’re currently un-learning?

Yes... Everyone doesn't have the same heart as me. I assumed when I am true and have pure intentions, people appreciate that. Jealous and insecure people absolutely do not. I need to stop taking that so personal and just remember, we're not made the same. Let me tell you, it SUCKS ASS!

10. Lastly, what’s one thing you wish others would do more of?

Be good fucking humans. Not everyone wants your money, some people just want your time. Some people prefer presence over presents. We have become so accustomed to being used and taken advantage of. IF we remembered to just be a good human, life would be better.

Lisa Linh

A curated collection by Lisa Linh featuring guides, tips & tricks, and advice for your getaways, business, and life.


Nurse Practitioner: Jenn


Community + Events Manager: Codi